Thursday, December 27, 2007

Saigon Runs

A common street scene in Saigon.

I started running marathons 3 years ago to get in shape and lose weight (bordering on 200 pounds) as I quickly approached 40.

The first one was in Newport (OR - 2005) and second in northern Bangkok (Thailand - 2006).

Newport was quite enjoyable. The path was flat as it meandered along a scenic bayfront in 70 degree weather.

The Bangkok run was quite the almost death march (>100 degrees by 9am) where it seemed like there was no end. Being a newbie, I did a training run of an almost marathon distance the weekend before in Vietnam which didn't leave much left for the real thing. Luckily, my buddy Jack (running in his first marathon) was there so we could push each other to the very end. Funny note: Very early in the run, we passed an cheerful lady who was being very talkative and sociable. I thought to myself then, "She doesn't really fit the runner mold; not sure she's going to finish." At the 40km marker as we were gasping and desperately fighting heat exhaustion, she passed us by at the same steady pace as before and said, "Almost there - you can do it, guys." Later, I found out she runs several marathons per year and has consistently done so for many years now. I will never forget that. A great lesson in humility.

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